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RX2101TS touchscreen tensile machine operating instructionsV

1. TM2101N簡介

1.1 Main purpose and scope of use

This measurement and control system designed for tensile machine, pressing machine, electronic universal material testing machine and developed. Is suitable for the determination of various materials on the tensile, compression, bending, shear, tear, peel, piercing conditions related to the mechanical properties and physical parameters.

1.2  Main features

The measurement and control system core components imported the latest ultra-precision 24 AD, the sampling rate of 400 times / sec full, regardless of file resolution of 300,000 divisions. 6:00 Calibration and use technology to further improve accuracy, so that the power of acquisition accuracy meet the national standards. No displacement error of plus or minus count. 7-inch TFT color touch screen, direct input test parameters, the English interface layers prompt, the user can easily operate without an operator's manual. It may also be via RJ45 network interface communicates with PC, coupled with a dedicated professional TM2100Pro deluxe edition monitoring software, real-time display force - displacement, force - time, displacement - time, stress - strain curve, automatic calculation of the maximum force, yield strength , average power, maximum deformation, yield point, elastic modulus and other parameters, and has flexible report editing and printing capabilities.

Flexible output control mode, pulse output can be configured to control the servo motor or 0 ~ 10V output voltage controlled variable frequency motor stepless, there is another rise, stop and drop relay output can be used to control a DC motor or pneumatic, such as hydraulic power unit.

1.3  Normal operating conditions

in the range of 0 ~ 55 ° C;

relative humidity less than 80%;

Power 220 ± 10% VAC, frequency 50Hz;

away from strong electromagnetic interference.

1.4  Main specifications and technical parameters

force differentiate force: 100000, sampling frequency 400 times / sec;

force accuracy: ± 0.1% of indicated value (20 ~ 100% FS);

force sensor type: 1mV / V, 2mV / V, 3mV / V, 4mV / V, 8mV / V, 9.6mV / V;

for the force sensor range: 1 ~ 1000000N

extensometer differentiate force: 100000, sampling frequency 50 times / sec;

extensometer accuracy: ± 0.1% of indicated value (20 ~ 100% FS);

displacement resolution: determined by the mechanical systems and photoelectric encoder, generally up to 0.001mm;

displacement measurement accuracy: error-free instrument system;

test speed: 0.01mm / min ~ 500mm / min;

speed accuracy: ± 1% of indication;

four power channels;

two displacement channels;

0 ~ 10V output voltage output frequency motor stepless speed control;

pulse output variable speed servo motor control;

Optional micro-printer, print the test results, and that is a take of the print function;

single test, manually 10:00 statistics and automatically calculates the average value, fracture value (appropriate to do peel, tear test), can store up to five groups;

fit a variety of grating encoder pulse number range: 100 to 65,535;

arbitrary switching unit: power: kN / N / kgf / gf / t / lbf, displacement: mm / cm / in;

automatic homing function;

overload protection function can be set;

scheduled to load and position shift, and other testing methods.

2. Operation Guide

2.1 Interface directly into the test after boot

When the test button interface response:

Button "up": increased movement control of the machine;

Button "down": control of the machine lowering operation;

Button "Test": perform the test;

Button "Stop": rise and fall during the run Click this button to stop the machine during the test Click this button to end the test;

Button "zero": the power, the most vigorous, displacement, deformation equivalent to zero;

Button "return": the machine back to the last press "zero" position of the button in time, the return process can press the "Stop" button down, and press the "return" button to continue return again; also press the "zero" button to shut down, but press the "Reset" button down and then press the "return" button will not return to place, because pressing the "zero" button the program is judged that the return is complete, so Stop the machine no longer return;

Button "": Jog speed rise, press and hold the machine fast rise, loosen the machine stops, the speed in the "additional information 2" screen can be set;

Button "": Jog speed drop, press and hold the machine rapid decline, loosen the machine stops, the speed in the "additional information 2" screen can be set;

Button "︿": Jog low rise, hold the machine slowly rising, loosen the machine stops, the speed in the "additional information 2" screen can be set;

Button "": Jog low speed fall, hold the machine slow down loosen the machine stops, the speed in the "additional information 2" screen can be set;

Button "Print": print the test results;

Button "take point": the testing process Press this button to perform a manual to take points;

Button "View": enter the test results view interface;

Button 'Setup': before entering the test specimen and test method information setting interface;

Button "force", "the most vigorous", "displacement", "deformation": 4 Click this button to select button to switch the display projects text to be displayed in real time, as shown below.

2.2 Sample information

1. Sample Number: Set the number of the sample;

2. Sample shape: Sets the shape of the specimen, the "square", "circle" Optional;

3. gauge: Set the current sample distance labeled;

4. Width: Set the width of the current sample;

5. Thickness: Set the thickness of the current sample;

Button "Down Copy": Clicking this button will copy the data from the current sample data down the serial number, serial number when switching to a sample copy and paste information and data to the sample number of the switched data;

Button "Time Setting": Set the system time, as shown below;

Button "Calibration": Enter the password to enter the calibration calibration interface;

Button "Version Info": to view the version information;

Button "on page": Page Up;

Button "Next": Down;

Button "Test": Back to the test page.

2.3 Test Information

1. Test direction: set to test the running direction of the machine, the "up", "down" Optional;

2. Test Speed: Set walking speed test machine;

3. The return speed: set up the machine back when walking velocity potential;

4. Stop condition: Set stop the machine end of the test conditions, the "power to achieve," "deformation reaches", "break rate" is optional, when a shutdown condition is "power to achieve" power to achieve the set value 1kgf, force retention time to reach a value of 1min when is the power to keep the 1min 1kg of "holding pressure" or "hold pull" function, when the force reaches the value set 1kgf, force holding time to reach a value of 0min, is to test the power to 1kg test is completed; when the shutdown condition is "deformation reaches" Setting deformation reaches a value of 50mm, the deformation is to test to 50mm test is completed; when the shutdown condition is "breakpoint ratio" setting breakpoints ratio is 50 percent, It is to test the current force value decreased to 50% of maximum force when it is determined that the specimen fracture, the test is completed.

2.4 Auxiliary information (1)

Zero button: Select the test main interface "zero" button mode, the "all zeros", "zero power" Optional;

1. Start judgment breakpoints: enter the test when the force reaches the value set conditions before judgment shutdown condition breakpoints ratio Note: This condition value is usually set to 1% force value sensor range more suitable setting too When the General Assembly did not appear the end product has been broken machine condition test is still running, but also can not be set too small, set too small when the force value fluctuations, and fluctuations in the force value reaches the value set by the condition, there will be just one machine Run on shutdown status;

2. Start count variants: Click test when the force reaches the condition setting value, be considered to enter the test Note: If the value of this condition is set to 0, then there will not even come into contact with the test material testing, obviously so test out the result is wrong, this condition should not be set too high a value, usually based on the measured material is suitable for the material is set to be between 0.1% and 1% force value sensor range;

3. The filter coefficient: setting filter coefficients;

Sensors (force path): force sensor channel selection;

Sensors (deformation): Select deformation sensor, the "displacement", "rubber extensometer (also called large deformation)," "Metal extensometer (also called the Little deformation)" Optional;

Direction (force): to change the direction of the force value;

Direction (deformation): Change the deformation direction;

Direction (displacement): to change the direction of displacement.

2.5 Auxiliary information (2)

1. The power of decimal digits: digits after the decimal point set force value is displayed;

2. Force Unit: Switching power value units, there is "kgf", "N", "lbf", "gf", "KN", "t" Optional;

3. Deformation unit: Switch deformation units, there is "mm", "cm", "in" Optional;

4. Language: Switch language showed that "English", "Chinese" Optional;

5. Force Protection: Sets protection force value;

6. Jog speed: The test main interface "Inching speed" speed;

7. Jog low speed: The test main interface "inching low" speed;

8. Lifting speed: The test main interface "up", "down" speed;

2.6 View Interface

Button "Print": print the results of the current view;

Button "take some window": Opens the View window to manually take points;

Button "Move": Select one set of test results to move up;

Button "Down": Select one set of test results to down;

Button "Delete": Deletes the selected test results;

Button "Delete All": Delete all test results;

Button "Test": return to test the main page;

2.7 Test Results

Check whether the test results;

3. Calibration

3.1 Force Sensors

1. In the top left corner to choose a good channel to be calibrated, the first step must be calibrated "zero", first click on the "Clear" button, the data calibration data table empty, then click on the "zero power" button and force sensors do not bear any load, then press "take point" button, calibrated the first point "zero";

2. The weight placed on the force sensor and then further in the "calibration data table" in the second row, second column of the "standard weight value" is set to put the weight by weight (in kg), to be weight stabilized, then press the "take point" button calibrated a second point;

3. Similarly recalibration following points may be only two point calibration;

4. Click on the "zero power button", and then put the weight sensor, until the weight has stabilized, see the "current power" value is placed in the weight equal to the weight, if equal, click the "Settings" button to return to Test the main interface to complete the calibration, otherwise repeat steps 1-3 until the "current strength" of the value of weight equal to the weight placed so far.

Note: If more than two-point calibration, the calibration process, plus the weight of the weight must be gradually increases, and add weight during the top line on the screen to display AD values must have been larger, if found to increase weight AD value decreases, you will need to force sensor wiring two signal lines of the exchange; if only two-point calibration, you do not have this limitation.

In addition, the machine has been calibrated can best calibration data (calibration data in the table above figure) record, so if the future course of misuse modify the calibration data, simply re-enter the data record that is return to normal, without re-calibration with weights or calibration.

3.2 Displacement Sensor

1. Click on the "zero shift" button, the "displacement current" zero;

2. Click on the "up" or "down" button allows the machine to walk a certain distance, with a ruler to measure the distance;

3. Enter the amount of data out of the "actual shift" back inside the box:

4. Repeat steps 1-2, the current displacement value to see if the machine and the software displays the trip value equal to, if equal, complete displacement sensor calibration, otherwise go to step 5;

5. Repeat steps 1-3 until the amount of value out of the machine travel and the value "current displacement" of equal.

3.3 Rubber extensometer

Rubber extensometer calibration first to "auxiliary information (1)" The strain sensor is switched to "rubber extensometer" mode, the calibration step with the displacement sensor calibration.

3.4 Metal extended meter

Metal extended meter calibration first of all to "auxiliary information (1)" The strain sensor switch to the "extended metal meter" mode, the calibration procedure with the force sensor calibration.

3.5 Speed

Calibration machine table speed, please before displacement sensor calibration, if not calibrated displacement, velocity is not allowed to school.

Button "lifting speed": Modify calibration "up", "down" speed, as shown below;

1. Under the premise of the displacement has been calibrated in the current tab control panel section, the default given "calibration with the greatest speed," a value of 500mm / min, click the button "all zeros";

2. Then adjust the speed bar or directly enter the "Debug speed" to set a speed machine;

3. Click the button "up" or "down" and let the machine running some distance, then click "Stop" button to stop the machine;

4. Then click on the button "speed calibration", click on this button, the "calibration with the greatest speed," the value will change the speed calibration is completed;

5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the speed accurate so far.

3.6 System Settings

上一條信息: 液壓式動靜萬能疲勞試驗機       

下一條信息: RX2101TSD觸摸屏拉力機畫曲線使用說明書

Copyright2021 版權所有: 山東國量儀器設備有限公司  電話:13553157758 地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區美里東路德邁信息產業園 
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